Monster Squad: Coffin Craft
Join the Squad as we paint and decorate some mini wooden coffins to make a spooky storage box!
This will get messy, so please wear something you don't mind getting paint on.
This will get messy, so please wear something you don't mind getting paint on.
BiG Puppets, BiG Bubbles and Shadow Puppets
First Christian Congregational Church
Due to the high heat and humidity in the forecast, we will not have Story Time this week.
Bring a blanket or chair and meet Ms. Carol at the Beach House at Swansea Town Beach for summer stories and fun!
Wednesdays at 9:30am
Due to the high heat and humidity in the forecast, we will not have Story Time this week.
Join us as we spend time with the animals, read stories, make crafts, and do a farm scavenger hunt at Stony Creek Farm (1210 Wilbur Ave. Swansea)
Tuesdays at 9:30am
The Library is closed today for a Staff Development Day
Join us as we spend time with the animals, read stories, make crafts, and do a farm scavenger hunt at Stony Creek Farm (1210 Wilbur Ave. Swansea)
Tuesdays at 9:30am
Bring a blanket or chair and meet Ms. Carol at the Beach House at Swansea Town Beach for summer stories and fun!
Wednesdays at 9:30am
Unfortunately, Pokemon Bingo has been cancelled this month. We will see you in August!
We are foregoing our usual PowerPoint as we settle in, so come and enjoy the fun.
Join us for a pre-summer story time at the Swansea Dam. We will read stories, play with bubbles, do a craft and maybe even play story bingo! Bring your knapsacks and snacks and enjoy the morning by the permitting!