1113 GAR Highway | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609


Carol's Cookbook Chat

Love cookbooks?  So do I.  Join me as we talk about Food, glorious food, including recipes and cookbooks:  new books at the library, cookbooks we own...and of course personal recipes

Register and the Zoom link will be sent to you

Writers' Group

Established group of adult writers of various levels from the community looking for some new members.
The writers' group meets monthly, exchanging pieces of writing and giving constructive critiques. 
Please contact library assistant Kaija at kgallucci@sailsinc.org before the meeting if you are interested in joining.

Quilting Basics - CANCELLED

Always wanted to make a quilt but did not have the time?  It's a great time to learn to quilt. 

Join Quilter Diane Preble as she teaches beginning quilt making. Learn basic fabric cutting and piecing techniques. Basic stitching and seam pressing practices will also be demonstrated. Learn to measure, cut and piece specific quilting blocks (quilting squares) and how to assemble a quilt.


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