69 Main St. | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609


Monster Squad - Online Edition

Ahoy, matey. Are ye brave enough to explore the barnacled baddies of the briny deep with the Monster Squad? Strap on yer eyepatches, polish your parrots, and prepare to investigate the plank-walkers of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, as well as historical pirates who really existed!

This will be a Zoom meeting, so be sure to register with your email to get the link!

Open to ages 6-12. 

Monster Squad - Online Edition

From the depths of your darkest nightmares comes Cthulhu, the giant, tentacle-faced Great Dreamer, an ancient being of atrociousness. Sounds cool, right?

Join the Monster Squad on Saturday, June 6th, 1pm-3pm, as we investigate Cthulhu!

This will be a Zoom meeting, so be sure to register with your email to get the link!

Open to ages 6-12. 

Monster Squad

It's the Tim Clarke challenge! During our Monster Squad meeting, with Muppet/puppet maker and toy designer Tim Clarke, he issued a challenge for our members to get creative!

Join us on Zoom to show Tim and the rest of the Squad your own monsters. Make a drawing, a sculpture, a puppet, anything, and show us your spooky side. 

Let Count Kaija know you are interested in registering by sending an email to kgallucci@sailsinc.org and you will get the Zoom invite as the day gets closer.

Instagram Poetry

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and the Swansea Free Public Library is bringing you a new writing prompt each day via Instagram to get your creativity going. We invite you to write one in the comments or tag us a poem you post yourself. Let's see that we can come up with!

Today's prompt:  Where is My Jetpack?: What futuristic invention do you wish you had?

Instagram Poetry

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, and the Swansea Free Public Library is bringing you a new writing prompt each day via Instagram to get your creativity going. We invite you to write one in the comments or tag us a poem you post yourself. Let's see that we can come up with!

Today's prompt:  Listen: A moth that whispers you a secret. You must listen for its small voice.


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