1113 GAR Highway | Swansea, MA 02777 | (508) 674-9609


Swansea Sleuths Mystery Book Club

Our mystery book club meets the first Wednesday of each month.  We enjoy all kinds of mystery and crime books from cozy to historical to modern thrillers.

This month's selection:  A Noise Downstairs by Linwood Barclay

Battling PTSD and depression after accidentally stumbling into a murder scene, a college professor begins writing his novel on a vintage typewriter that he comes to believe is possessed and somehow linked to the crime he survived


The Swansea Public Library Mini Comic Con is excited for another year of fun and festivity that brings together artists, comic fans, and the community.

Fun for the family and won't break the bank!

All About Birds

The Swansea Free Public Library invites you to celebrate spring with a special program, on Thursday March 28th at 6:00 PM.  Mary Martha Murphy returns with her program, All About Birds. Learn about the wonderful world of bird watching. This program will show you how to identify birds, use field guides and binoculars and share the best local places for bird watching.

Annual Peeps Diorama Contest

It's the Swansea Free Public Library annual Peep Diorama Contest.  Create a diorama based on a book.  Use peeps marshmallow treats to create a scene from one of your favorite books in a shoe-box sized diorama.  The finished diorama is due at the library by Friday April 12.  Peep into your favorite book.  Don't delay.  Grab a "Peep" of the action!


Download Rules/Entry form

Spring Clean Out: De-Clutter, Simplify, Get Organized! with Marilyn Cruickshank

If you feel stressed out by clutter and want to clean up and clean out, this free workshop can help.  Marilyn Cruickshank, a professional organizer and owner of Creative Simplicity, LLC will provide strategies and motivation to make small changes that will have a big impact to help you organize your Life!  This program is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Fall River Public Library and the Swansea Free Public Library and will be held at the Fall River Public Library located at 104 North Main St., Fall River, MA.


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