Anime Club: Halloween in Japan
Does the home of cosplay love dressing up? Is trick-or-treating too rude for Japanese citizens? And what does the Japanese mafia have to do with anything? Find out all this and more!
Does the home of cosplay love dressing up? Is trick-or-treating too rude for Japanese citizens? And what does the Japanese mafia have to do with anything? Find out all this and more!
Get ready to learn the haunting tales of the creatures of Japanese folklore and urban legends.
Then test your knowledge for some fun prizes!
Snacks to follow.
Open to ages 6-12.
Email Count Kaija at with any questions!
Pleaese note this program will be messy, so wear clothes you don't mind getting a little paint on.
Open to ages 6-12.
Please note this will be a messy program, so wear something you don't mind getting a little paint on!
Painting followed by snacks. :)
Games and snacks to follow!
Open to ages 6-12.